Glowing Beads
Miyuki Luminous Seed Beads glow under UV. They are not uranium, but UV active with rather intence glow.
There are several types of glowing Czech glass beads: glows under UV (blacklight), neon coated and glows after “charge” under the sun. All of them are safe for health.
Glows under UV (blacklight) - Uranium glass
The use of uranium to obtain the yellow-green to green color of glass has been known and documented in Bohemia for more than 160 years. Uranium glass fluoresces most intensely under the influence of long-wave ultraviolet radiation. The optimal wavelength is around 360 nm. Short-wave UV-radiation, on the other hand, will hardly force it to fluoresce.
The main color of uranium glass is governed by the presence of uranium compounds or by their character. Greenish, yellowish or even brownish glasses are known. Some have a pinkish color.
Yellow colored glass contains more uranium than greenish glass. Green glass may also contain copper or chromium. Yellow uranium glass therefore fluoresces more and more intensely than green. Copper can also reduce fluorescence, as can lead admixtures, which are otherwise the norm in fine glasses.
Insert one of the glass color codes below to search:
- 17011
- 80100 (not very intense glow, crystals mainly does not glow)
- 80120
- 80130
- 81000
- 82000 - Out of stock forever
- 82100 - Out of stock forever
- 84000
- 84010
- 88035 - Coating
Green / Yellow
- 50800 (not always glow)
- 50810
- 50820
- 52000
- 52010
- 52020
- 54200
- 57801
- 61100
- 61010
- 06628
- 56017
- 56018 (only turquoise, green does not glow)
- 56206
- 56217
- 56216
- 56218
- 52020 (usually glow)
Pink / Beige
- 70990
- 77553 (only some beads, where blue base is well seen)
- 07524
- 37114 (hard to say, seems to glow blue, see photo below)
- 57601
- 87301
- 87311
- 87601
Other colors:
- 83500
- 86007
- 88035 (glow under UV + chargeable) - Glow effect additive
- 46470 (pink lined)
- 10013 (coating)
- 57101 (brown)
Glows under UV (blacklight) - Neon coatings
The neon coating is a special dye containing UV active fluorescent pigment. The coating is applied on white beads to ensure color brightness.
The dye is applied in several thin layers fixed by heat. This provides high chemical and mechanical durability. The beads are characterized by high resistance to water, steam, alcohol, cosmetics, sweat, etc.
These colours are intense and very bright, that even seems glowing under daylight.
Insert one of the glass color codes below to search:
25121 - yellow
25143 - yellow
25122 - orange
25123 - pink
25144 - cherry pink
25125 - violet
25145 - dark violet orchid
25126 - dark blue
25127 - blue
25128 - dark green petrol
25124 - green
25142 - green yellow lime
28501 - orange-yellow
Glows without the lamp - phosphorescent glass
These beads also shows luminiscence, however, they do not require the light source to glow for a while. The glass contents special addition, which absorbs the light and reemits it at a longer wavelength. Unlike fluorescence, a phosphorescent material does not immediately reemit the radiation it absorbs. Instead, a phosphorescent material absorbs some of the radiation energy and reemits it for a much longer time after the radiation source is removed.
Glow intensity depends on strength of the light source and time of charging. However, the beads would not glow for a ling time.
Search for glow in the dark to find all these beads currently available.
Luminiscence - the effect when something glows, but it is not a lamp or sun.
- Fluorescence - type of luminiscence, when the glow stops immediately without light source (turn off UV lamp, beads does not glow)
- Phosphorescence - type of luminiscence, when the object glows for sometime without the source. It "charges", and then stops glow gradually.